Tatiana Trouve

Assistant of

Tatiana Trouvé


Assistant to Tatiana Trouvé, my role was to promptly bring technical support to the studio in its different projects relating to the welding of bronze, brass and steel objects. The construction of  models, the manipulation of the works and several concrete prints were also part of my responsibilities at Tatiana’s side. 

Tatiana Trouvé
Tatiana Trouvé
Tatiana Trouvé

Building on site with available materials


Within the context of a project in-house at a collector abroad, I had the opportunity to accompany the artist in the creation and installation of works specially designed for the space. Whether it was drilling hundreds of holes in boulders to incorporate elements of brass, or assemble a cabin out of bronze cartons, I needed to adapt to the local working conditions and often do my best with what was available. A stimulating experience in the company of Tatiana.  A second visit would serve to mould a boulder as a support for future creations. A simple moulding in several parts to be easily transported and put in place quickly.

Tatiana Trouvé

“He who moves the mountain is the one who starts by first removing the pebbles.”





technical support

Tatiana Trouve

welding, molding and others

2013 -2016

Les articles autour du projet

Containers, squelette géant de serpent, coiffe style empire de Monumenta Empire oeuvre de l'artiste Huang Yong Ping

Craft or Art

Not long ago, I was interviewed at the Gare de Nantes by a local journalist. The journalist asked me how to best describe my contribution to the concrete tree sculpture; as an artist or an artisan? Normally, this type of question would have left me speechless, had I not thankfully prepared a very polite, very vague answer:

“we are a bit of both”

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